Medical Quiz

Anatomy Quiz

Which bone sits in the middle of the ribs?

A. Clavicle

B. Sternum

C. Vertebrae

D. Scapula

Select your answer:


Chronic Diseases Chemistry Reproduction The Nervous System and The Senses Medical Vocabulary Gaseous Exchange in Humans The Ear Mutations, Replication, and Cancer Disease, Immunity, and Phatogens Intravenous Fluid Therapy Renal System - Pharmacology BTEC Biological Approach Revise Ecology & Organisms Hematology Lab Values Renal Pharmacology

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Waste products are eliminated during perspiration.

A. Circulation

B. Homeostasis

C. Excretion

D. Metabolism

Nervous System › View

The term for when motor and sensory nerves work together in response to a stimulus.

A. reaction

B. reflex

C. spasm

D. spontaneous