Medical Quiz

History of Immunology Quiz

Who discovered Complement system?

A. Bordet

B. Charles Richet

C. Paul Ehrlich

Select your answer:


Transport System Acute Responses to Exercise Carbohydrates / Fat-soluble Vitamins Homeostasis and Disease Ecology & Organisms Hematologic System Health - Nutrition Philosophy The Nervous System Laparoscopic Surgery Carbohydrate Metabolism Tutor Oral Biology Fluid and Electrolytes Discovery of DNA Laboratory Careers

Other quiz:

Nervous System › View

________________ are quick involuntary actions to a stimulus like a hot iron.

A. burns

B. brain waves

C. stimuli

D. responses

Respiratory and Urinary › View

The urethra is an organ that allows for…

A. storage of urine.

B. urine to exit the body.

C. urine to move from the kidney to the bladder.

D. bile to move from the liver to the gall bladder.