Medical Quiz

Nervous System Quiz

Which of the following are controlled in the frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex?

A. Vision

B. Speech

C. Hearing

D. Sensory impulses

Select your answer:


Body Defense Microbes and Infectious Disease Types of Nutrients Chronic Diseases Musculoskeletal Injuries Health Unit Coordinating EKG Medical Term Branches of Microbiology Haematology Teeth and Microbes SSTI and Bone Infections Humanistic and Biological Psychology DNA Structure and Function Inherited & Acquired Traits Neuroanatomy of CNS

Other quiz:

Anxiety Disorders › View

In the treatment of panic disorder, when is it seen as helpful to use a safety seeking behaviour?

A. If the patient is agoraphobic

B. If the patient has no support systems

C. When we don’t want to tell them they can’t use them anymore

D. Because we are sponsored by rescue rememdy

Reproduction in Human Beings › View

What structure protects and cushions the fetus throughout its prenatal development?

A. amniotic sac and fluid

B. placenta

C. umbilical cord

D. vagina