Medical Quiz

Skeletal System Quiz

Yellow bone marrow has a high _________ content that gives it it’s color.

A. blood

B. fat

C. water

D. melanin

Select your answer:


Upper Limb AEMT EMS Systems Circulatory & Respiratory Skull Biology Oral Surgery Pharmacology Calculations Cell Theory & Melanoma Renal Pharmacology Physical Tracheostomy Care Biological Organisms Classification Eco Factors & Bacteria Eye Physiology Perioperative Nursing Care

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Human Eye and Colorful World › View

Near and far points of a young person normal eye respectively are

A. 0 and infinity

B. 0 and 25 cm

C. 25 cm and infinity

D. 25 cm and 150 cm.

Anatomy and Histology › View

Which part of the human skeleton surrounds and protects the spinal cord?

A. Skull

B. Thoracic (ribcage)

C. Vertebral column (spine)

D. Pectoral girdle (shoulders)