Medical Quiz

Eye Quiz

Which of the following keeps the cornea in place?

A. the aqueous humor

B. the vitreous humor

C. the muscles surrounding the eye

D. the eyelid

Select your answer:


Medicine Clinics Alzheimer Disease and Dementia Excretion-Dialysis Vessels Cardiorespiratory System Diseases of The Body Systems Enzymes and Digestion Circulatory & Lymphatic Types of Medical Reports Infection Detection Immunity in Humans Respiration Biochemistry/Cells Genetic Diseases Diet

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Which of the following is not a factor that weakens host defenses against infections?

A. Strong, healthy body

B. Chemotherapy

C. Physical and mental stress

D. Old Age

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The shoulder is ____ to the elbow.

A. Proximal

B. Distal

C. Superior

D. Inferior