Medical Quiz

Cardiovascular Adaptation Refresher Quiz

What is ‘angiogenesis’?

A. Enlargement of existing arterial vessels and is effective for increasing bulk flow.

B. de novo (‘of new’) formation of new capillaries which facilitate exchange between blood and tissues.

Select your answer:


Bariatric Surgery and Diabetes Bone, Spine, and Joint Pathology Uses of Radioactive Radiation Health and Nutrition Muscular System NCHSE Urinary System Medical Terms Characteristics of Life & Viruses EMR Pathophysiology Respiration Anatomy and Physiology Homeostasis Regulation of Heart Rate Balanced Diet Transportation in Organisms Muscularskeletal System Pain Management

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Humanistic and Biological Psychology › View

A. Frontal Lobe
B. Parietal Lobe
C. Temporal Lobe
D. Occipital Lobe

Psychology, Psychiatry, & Social Work › View

Who specializes in areas of employment, human resource management, and training and development?

A. Community Psychologist

B. Educational and Developmental Psychologist

C. Organisational Psychologist

D. Sports Psychologist