Medical Quiz

Blood Pressure Quiz

Define Blood viscosity

A. measure of the thickness of blood.

B. measure of the flow of blood.

C. measure of the leant of blood.

D. blood flow duration in a specific period of time

Select your answer:


Hospitality Illnesses and Diseases in Caregiving Digestion Psychology, Psychiatry, & Social Work Bio Cells Chest, Back, Abs Histology Muscles Purpose and Function of the Skeletal System Composition of Blood and Blood Cells Body Stem Cells & Cell Differentiation BMS Cell Cycle and Cancer Head and Neck Anatomy Musculoskeletal System

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Which of the following is an easy way to measure good fitness?

A. walking

B. resting heart rate

C. running

D. lifting weights

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If in covid-19, we diagnose the infection by taking the sample from our nasopharynx. How is the diagnose method of cholera?


B. microscopical analysis of blood

C. microscopical analysis of faeces

D. Urine test