Medical Quiz

Cells and Organ Systems Quiz

Where does the stomach empty into?
A. Small intestine
B. Large intestine
C. Pancreas
D. Liver

Select your answer:


Phlebotomy Pathogens Facial & Dental Injuries The Respiratory System Skin Infection Detection Healthy Lifestyle Tongue and Skin SPED Law-lympics Biochemistry Lab Forensics: Blood Musculoskeletal Biomedical Parts of the Brain Humanistic and Biological Psychology

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Which form of reproduction requires two parents to contribute to the formation of the new individual?

A. sexual

B. asexual

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When blood vessels in your body widen, allowing more blood to flow through them and lowering your blood pressure.

A. Vasodilation

B. Vasoconstriction

C. none of the above

D. both of these