Medical Quiz

Human Body Quiz

A group of cells that perform a specific function is called a(n)

A. cell

B. tissue

C. organ

D. organism

Select your answer:


Proteins, Amino Acids, & Enzymes The Digestive System Cytology and Histology Visual Impairment Dermatology Vocabulary Nutrition form 2 Branches of Medicine Anatomy and Histology Immunology and Serology Respiration Genetics Biological Molecules CABG Surgery Virus, Bacteria, Immunity Cell Theory

Other quiz:

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Identity the image :
A.     Telescope
B.     Compound microscope
C.     Microwave
D.     Toaster

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The table shows the results of blood type tests on samples from four individuals. Which row represents an individual who can accept transfusions from people with blood type AB?

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D