Ectomorph body type is which of the following?
A. lightbuild with small joints and lean muscle.
B. largebone structure and naturally athletic physique
C. usually of a shorter build with thick arms and legs
Select your answer:
Cellular Transport and Metabolism Medical Suffixes Diagnostic Tools Nutrient Cycling Blood and Bones Terms for The Skeletal System Heterotrophic Nutrition Biology for Engineers Plasmid Skeletal System Warm up Heart Structure and Double Circulation The Blood Bone Development and Remodeling Endocrine System TermsOther quiz:
Bacteria & Viruses › ViewWhat does transgenic mean?
A. An organism that can change its genes at will
B. A stem cell that can differentiate into anything
C. An organism that has had another species’ DNA put in it
D. A bacteria that reproduces asexually
ESR (RBC sed rate) › View
1.Tilting the tube
2. Increasing the length of the tube
3. Temperature above room temp
A. fall faster,
increasing ESR
B. fall slower,
decreasing ESR