★ CNA Introduction Quiz
Who does Medicare insurance cover?
A. People 65 and older. Also covers people of any age with permanent kidney failure or certain disabilities
B. people with low-income and are qualified based on special circumstances
Select your answer:
Homeostasis Healthcare Systems and Insurance Transport system in Living Things (Human) Histology of Nervous and Muscle Tissues Tissues Vocabulary Infant Nutrition Microbio (Viruses) Human Eye Nervous System and Special Senses World Health Day SCI CH2-1 Energy, Hydrology, Microbiology Viruses and Prions Disease, Illness and Sickness Safety TermsOther quiz:
The Digestive System › ViewThe process of digestion begins in the _______.
A. Mouth
B. Stomach
C. Liver
Cell Reproduction › View
Why do cells go through mitosis?
A. to make food from sunlight
B. to create proteins
C. to get air into the cells
D. to reproduce, grow and repair/replace