Medical Quiz

Communicable Diseases and Immune Response (OCR) Quiz

Which of the following cells are also antigen-presenting cells?

A. Plasma cell

B. T regulatory cell

C. Macrophage

D. Neutrophil

Select your answer:


Macromolecules and Enzymes Pathophysiology - Inflammation Philosophy Musculoskeletal - Clinical Physiology Gastroenterology Nursing Microbiology Genetics: Viruses and Bacteria Heredity and Living Cells Oncology Anatomy Respiratory System Histology - Tissues Cell & Bond Conjunctivita Renal

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Maximum volume of air contained in lungs after a forceful inhalation

A. tidal volume

B. functional residual capacity

C. total lung capacity

D. residual volume

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Mandatory diagnostic criterion of Atopic dermatitis according to United Kingdom working party

A. Hyperparakeratosis

B. Acanthiosis

C. Itchy rashes

D. Atopy history