Medical Quiz

Auditory and Vestibular Neurology Quiz

dilated portion at the end of each semicircular canal

A. ampulla

B. utricle

C. saccule

D. vestibular

Select your answer:


Health Issues Related to Digesting System and Eating Habits Cardiac & Diseases of Blood Flow Stem Cells & Cell Differentiation The Cell Effects of Exercise on the Musculoskeletal System Respiration Measles and Hib 5 Major Food Groups Cardiovascular Adaptation Refresher Dementia Dermis Pulse Human Eye and Colourful World Nephrology (Hemodialysis) Ears

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Which hormone is detected in pregnancytestst?

A. Estrogen   

B. Progestrone   

C. Chrionic gonodotropin 

D. Luteinizing hormone

Circulatory / Respiratory › View

A heart attack will result from the lack of nutrients and oxygen of the heart muscles due to blockage by atherosclerosis of the

A. pulmonary arteries

B. coronary arteries

C. carotid arteries

D. vena cava

E. septum