Medical Quiz

Topics: Viruses Biomolecules Quiz

What is a way to become immune to a disease without first having the disease?
A. antibiotics
B. Anti-retroviral drugs
C. Vaccinations
D. Exposure Therapies

Select your answer:


Humanistic and Biological Psychology DNA Structure, Replication, Proteins Carbohydrates / Fat-soluble Vitamins Circulatory and Lymphatic System Anatomical Terminology Histology - Tissues Thyroid Disease Blood Groups Mitosis Mental Health Medicine Clinics Multicellular Organisms: Organisation Food and Nutrition Transport system in Living Things (Human) Mutations

Other quiz:

Urinary › View

Which of following is not correct about kidney?

A. Formation and excretion of urine

B. waste management

C. Release of erythropoetin which stimulates formation of red blood cells

D. Passageway to excrete urine

Thyroid Gland › View

Why do thyroid hormones affect every cells in the body ?

A. Thyroid hormones don’t affect every cells

B. They don’t need thyroid hormones

C. They need energy to survive

D. None of these above