Topics: Urinary System, Fluid, Electrolyte and ph Balance Quiz
Which ion’s concentration is regulated by the parathyroid?
A. Na
B. Cl
C. Ca
D. K
Select your answer:
Tissues Fluid Therapy Nervous System: Diseases/Problems/Illnesses Doctor Equipments Osteoporosis Healthcare Careers Phlebotomy Medical Terminology Biological Molecules Reproductive System Vocabulary Gastroenterology Nursing Stimuli and Responses in Humans Physical Pharmacy Deficiency Diseases Medical Terminology Gastroinestinal Gastroenterology Laparoscopic SurgeryOther quiz:
Body System › ViewFrom the smallest functional units to the largest, the body is organized as follows:
A. cell, system, organ, tissue, body.
B. organ, cell, tissue, system, body.
C. system, organ, tissue, cell, body.
D. cell, tissue, organ, system, body.
Pain Management › View
Methyl-cobalamine supplies ______ to methionine and in-turn to neuron
A. Carbonyl
B. Methyl
C. Ketone
D. acidic group