Topics: The Respiratory System Quiz
Which of the following is a part of the respiratory system?
A. lungs
B. stomach
C. large intestines
D. heart
Select your answer:
Life Processes - Digestion and Respiration Renal and Gastrointestinal System Pharmacology Nutrition and Biochemistry Vocabulary What is Psychology? Neurons Pathology Thyroid Disease Nutrient Cycling Effects of Exercise on the Musculoskeletal System Understanding Psychology Nervous System Major Internal Organs of the Body Digestion and Microbes Anatomy & Physiology: Respiratory HaematologyOther quiz:
Bacteriology › ViewAn organism is completely dependent on atmospheric O2 for growth. This organism is
A. osmotolerant
B. acidophile
C. facultative anaerobe
D. obligate aerobe
Pathogens › View
is one of the reason of the antibiotics resistance?
A. Brand
B. Self prescription
C. Doses