Medical Quiz

Topics: The Ear Quiz

Which of the following statements is true regarding hearing?

A. air waves cause vibrations in the tympanic membrane which moves the malleus, incus and stapes on a pivot which, in turn moves the fluid within the vestibule moving hair cells in the crista ampullaris

B. air waves cause vibrations in the tympanic membrane which moves the malleus, incus and stapes on a pivot which, in turn moves the fluid within the cochlea moving hair cells in the organ of Corti

C. air waves cause vibrations in the tympanic membrane which moves the malleus, incus and stapes on a pivot which, in turn moves the fluid within the cochlea moving hair cells in the maculae

D. air waves cause vibrations in the tympanic membrane which moves the malleus, incus and stapes on a pivot which, in turn moves the fluid within the vestibule moving hair cells in the organ of Corti

Select your answer:


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A. On the outside of the bone

B. In the blood

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