Topics: Terms for The Skeletal System Quiz
A break in bone that does not penetrate the skin
A. stress fracture
B. closed fracture
C. compound fracture
D. open fracture
Select your answer:
Biochemistry/Cells Body System Interactions Anatomy - Muscle Contraction and Growth Plasmid Diversity Physical and Sensory Impairment Anatomy and Histology Thyroid Disease Receptors Burns and Skin Cancer Autism Awareness Diseases Key Terms Bacterial Cell Structure Nail Transport System in ManOther quiz:
Who am Eye? › ViewI am the relevant cortexes of the brain that interpret Visual and Gustatory stimulus
A. Sensory organs
B. Eye and tongue
C. Visual and Gustatory Cortex
D. Cerebellum
Nutrition › View
How do cells obtain the energy and materials necessary for the work they do?
A. They release nitrogen.
B. They take in nutrients.
C. They move around in the body.
D. They produce oxygen and carbon dioxide.