Medical Quiz

Terms for The Skeletal System Quiz


_________ is an exaggerated lateral ( side to side) curve of the spine

A. kyphosis

B. lordosis

C. scoliosis

“Crani/o” means:

A. rib

B. skull

C. pain

D. joint

Spondyl/o means:

A. vertebrae

B. cranium

C. skull

D. costae

Chondr/o means

A. rib

B. cartilage

C. joint

D. ligament

Anterior curve in lumbar spine

A. lordosis

B. kyphosis

C. scoliosis

A break in bone that does not penetrate the skin

A. stress fracture

B. closed fracture

C. compound fracture

D. open fracture

Which of the following would be classified as in the appendicular skeleton?

A. ribs

B. Fibula

C. Sternum

D. skull

Kyph/o means

A. hump

B. lumbar

C. swayback

D. neck

Rickets is caused by a lack of which vitamin? 

A. A

B. D

C. E

D. C

The root word for bone is:

A. cost/o

B. lord/o

C. chondr/o

D. oste/o

To examine and surgically repair a joint with an arthroscope is called:

A. arthroscopy

B. arthrotomy

C. arthomy

D. arthritis

Which of the following would be classified as in the axial skeleton?

A. Humerus

B. Femur

C. Sternum

D. Carpal bones

The femur and humerus could be classified as

A. Short Bones

B. Long Bones

C. Irregular Bones

D. Flat Bones

The bone building process is called_______.

A. collagen

B. ossification

C. hypertrophy

D. getting stronger

Arthr/o means

A. bone

B. joint

C. muscle

D. tendon


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