Respiratory System Med Term Quiz
Eupenia is…….
A. no breathing
B. fast breathing
C. normal breathing
D. slow breathing
bleeding of the larnyx
A. larnygorrhagia
B. laryngitis
C. laryngrrhea
D. larynoplasty
A disorder of the lungs called ____ causes the bronchi to become restricted (get smaller) so air can’t get to the lungs.
A. asthma
B. cold
C. influenza
D. bronchitis
The test on arterial blood to determine oxygen, carbon dioxide, and pH levels.
A. pulse oximetry
B. pulmonary function tests
C. arterial blood gases
A. process of recording
B. stretching out or dialation
C. breathing
D. visual examination
surgical opening of the trachea
A. tracheotomy
B. tracheorrhagia
C. thoracotomy
D. thoracectomy
Aspiration would mean
A. having good breathing
B. removal of something from airways
C. pus in the airway
D. dilation of the airway
You have a horrible sore throat (inflammation) of the larynx and the pharynx
A. laryngitis
B. pharryngitis
C. laryngopharyngitis
D. tracheolaryngitis
labored or difficult breathing
A. dyspnea
B. hypernea
C. hypoventilation
D. hyperventilation
A. infection of the pyo
B. puss in the chest
C. cutting into the chest
D. dilation of the pyo of the chest
increased tissue spaces caused by destruction of alveoli
A. pneumonia
B. emphasema
C. tuberculosis
D. asthma
Dr. Doolittle discovers that his patient has an inflammation of the lungs. He records this on the patients chart as:
A. Bronchitis
B. Bronchoplegia
C. Pnumonia
D. Pneumonitis
The general term used to describe a group of respiratory conditions characterized by chronic airflow limitations can be abbreviated as:
to breathe
A. pulmon/o
B. spir/o
C. sinus/o
D. trache/o
The term meaning the abnormal narrowing of the lumen of the trachea is:
A. bronchioplasm
B. brachiostenosis
C. tracheostenosis
D. tracheocentesis