Medical Quiz

Purpose and Function of the Skeletal System Quiz


The study of structures of the body that can only be viewed with the microscope is;

A. Cardiology

B. Endocrinology

C. Morphology

D. Histology

The bones that make up the shoulders, fore limbs, pelvis and hind limbs are considered the ______________ skeleton.

A. Axial

B. Appendicular

The bones of the __________ skeleton are the bones of the head, trunk, vertebrae and ribs.

A. Axial

B. Appendicular

Bones are store houses for all of these except.

A. Fats

B. Blood Cells

C. Iron

D. Calcium

The framework of bone, cartilage and other non-bending materials in the body is called the. __________ system.

A. Skeleton

B. Fontanel

C. Muscular

D. Respiratory

The soft spot in the top of the skull of a newborn is called;

A. Keel

B. Fontanel

C. Thorax

D. Vertebrae

Animals that are walking on the toes or fingers; the full phalanges take the weight of the body when walking. Examples; Dogs and Cats

A. Unguligrade

B. Plantigrade

C. Digitigrade

The _______________ is the part of the body housing the heart, and lungs. It lies between the neck and diaphragm.

A. Abdomen

B. Spine

C. Thorax

D. Barrel

This is a specialty bone found on the ventral side of the chest in birds;

A. Rib

B. Vertebrae

C. Keel

D. Diaphragm

The part of the body that houses the digestive organs is the ;

A. Abdomen

B. Axial

C. Appendicular

D. Keel

A. ________________ walks on the soles of the feet ( or palms of the hands) the metatarsals lay flat on the walking surface. Example Bears and Humans

A. Plantigrade

B. Digitigrade

C. Unguligrade

The overall shape of the body is determined by bone length, bone thickness and the total number of specific bones.



Animals that walk on the fingernails or toe nails; the weight of the animal is placed on the the distal end of the phalanges. Examples; Horse, Cow and Pig

A. Plantigrade

B. Digitigrade

C. Unguligrade

__________ blood cells are produced in the spongy inside of bones.

A. Red

B. White

C. Clear

D. Blue

The horse has _____________ bones in the body.

A. 190

B. 200

C. 205

D. 206


Digestion Cell Membrane and Transport Eye and Ear Disease, Immunity, and Phatogens Circulatory System Homeostasis Axial & Appendicular Skeleton Source of Food Mutations, Replication, and Cancer Infection Cardiovascular Diseases Injuries in Archery Careers in Health Care Antimicrobial Pharmacology Physio Intro Practice