Medical Quiz

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Quiz


Which gait pattern is used when one lower extremity is unable to fully bear weight?

A. Three-point gait

B. Swing gait

C. Two-point gait

D. Four-point gait

Which component of a prosthesis includes joints like ankle, knee, wrist, and elbow?

A. Interface

B. Socket

C. Suspension system

D. Appendage

Which component of a prosthesis connects the prosthesis to the body?

A. Appendage

B. Socket

C. Suspension system

D. Interface

Which gait pattern requires good balance to achieve?

A. Three-point gait

B. Four-point gait

C. Swing gait

D. Two-point gait

Which suspension system uses an electric or mechanical vacuum pump to hold the prosthesis to the residual limb?

A. Interface with a locking pin

B. Suction (passive)

C. Belts and straps

D. Vacuum (active)

What is the disadvantage of using crutches?

A. Allows normal gait pattern

B. Reduces speed of ambulation

C. Difficult to store and transport

D. Awkward in small areas

What is the purpose of the interface or liner in a prosthesis?

A. To connect the prosthesis to the body

B. To protect the skin and modulate pressure

C. To provide structural strength

D. To connect appendages and joints to the socket

What is the main advantage of knee disarticulation amputation?

A. Improved proprioception

B. Reduced pressure and shear forces

C. Better center of rotation

D. Allows for weight bearing

What is the advantage of using a walker?

A. Allows normal gait pattern

B. Reduces speed of ambulation

C. Difficult to store and transport

D. Light to carry and adjustable

Which assistive device is the most stable according to the text?

A. Parallel bars

B. Cane

C. Walker

D. Crutches

What are the two main types of limb prosthesis?

A. Mechanical and Hydraulics

B. Vacuum and Suction

C. Gel cushion and Sock Interface

D. Exoskeletal and Endoskeletal

What is the most common level of lower limb alteration?

A. Trans-tibial (BK) amputation

B. Symes amputation

C. Knee disarticulation

D. Hip disarticulation

What is the most common type of amputation in the foot and ankle?

A. Symes amputation

B. Partial foot amputation

C. Trans-femoral amputation

D. Transtibial amputation

What is the advantage of knee disarticulation compared to trans-femoral-level amputation?

A. Reduced pressure and shear forces

B. Better center of rotation

C. Improved proprioception

D. Simple and non-traumatic surgical technique

What is the purpose of a gel cushion interface in a prosthesis?

A. To protect the skin and modulate pressure

B. To connect the prosthesis to the body

C. To provide structural strength

D. To connect appendages and joints to the socket

What muscles need strengthening in preparation for crutch walking?

A. Latissimus dorsi, Triceps, Biceps

B. Quads, Hip Extensors, Hip Abductors

C. Shoulder flexors, Shoulder depressors, Shoulder adductors

D. Flexors of fingers and thumb, Wrist extensors, Elbow extensors

What is the measurement for adjusting the height of parallel bars?

A. Provide 15 to 25 degrees of elbow flexion

B. Adjust to patient’s hip width

C. Adjust to patient’s knee level

D. Adjust to patient’s shoulder height

What is the main advantage of Symes amputation?

A. Allows for weight bearing

B. Better center of rotation

C. Reduced pressure and shear forces

D. Improved proprioception

What is the purpose of forearm crutches?

A. To limit mobility

B. To provide maximum stability

C. To increase patient balance

D. To allow patient to use hand while ambulating

Which suspension system involves a cushion interface with an integrated suspension pin?

A. Interface with a locking pin

B. Vacuum (active)

C. Suction (passive)

D. Belts and straps

Which assistive gait device provides the greatest amount of support?

A. Walkers

B. One cane

C. Parallel bars

D. Axillary crutches

What is the disadvantage of using a walker?

A. Allows normal gait pattern

B. Difficult to maneuver through doorway

C. Provides less lateral stability

D. Reduces speed of ambulation

What is the purpose of assistive gait devices?

A. To limit mobility

B. To reduce weight bearing

C. To improve patient’s stability

D. To decrease balance and coordination

What is the main purpose of a socket in a prosthesis?

A. To connect appendages and joints to the socket

B. To connect the prosthesis to the body

C. To provide structural strength

D. To support the body and transmit pressure

What is the advantage of using crutches?

A. Difficulty in stair use

B. Increased patient balance

C. Damage to radial nerve

D. Awkward in small areas


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