Medical Quiz

Topics: Pathophysiology - Inflammation Quiz

The most abundant white blood cell is the

A. eosinophil

B. t lymphocyte

C. mast cell

D. neutrophil

Select your answer:


Thyroid Gland Cell Diversity - Organization, Tissues, Plants and Animals Microorganisms, Health and Diseases The Digestive System Parkinson Disease Enzymes & Metabolism HL Transport System in Man Macromolecules and Enzymes RDA Dental Caries Type of Dementia Bonding and the Periodic Table Science Reproduction Cell Theory and Cellular Structure Pulmonology/Respiratory Hospice Basics

Other quiz:

Ankle Injuries › View

What type of injury would be associated with this ankle movement you see in this image

A. Syndesmosis Sprain

B. Inversion Sprain

C. Eversion Sprain

D. Lisfranc Injury

E. Sinus Tarsi Syndrome

Bacteriology › View

Friedlander’s bacillus

A. K. oxytoca

B. E. tarda

C. S. marcescens

D. K. pneumoniae