Medical Quiz

Topics: Nephrology (Hemodialysis) Quiz

Arteriovenous fistula ( AVF ) maturity can be assessed by

A. jerking of venous line

B. blood flow exceeding 500 mls /minutes

C. diameter measurement of more than 6 mm

D. easy cannulation

Select your answer:


Vascular Surgery Sense of Sight Vessels Trichology HFT Vitamins Medical Microbiology Biotechnology Multicellular Organisms: Organisation Laser in Medicine Musculoskeletal Pathophysiology Dental Specialties Excretion-Dialysis Vitamin SSTI and Bone Infections Name that Pathogen

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Immunology IBD › View

UST is inhibiting IL12 & IL23 due to its action on ………… subunit

A. p19

B. p40

C. p75

Psychology, Psychiatry or Social Work › View

People working in this field help individuals find solutions to their everyday problems and can only offer NON-MEDICAL approaches.

A. Psychology

B. Psychiatry

C. Social Work

D. All of the above

E. None of the above