Medical Quiz

Nail Disorders and Diseases Quiz


Matrix inflammation and nail shedding caused by infection or injury

A. Onychia

B. Onycholysis

C. Onychomadesis

D. Nail pytergium

Nail plate fungul infection consisting of whitish patches that can be scraped off the nail surface

A. Onychomycosis

B. Onychorrhexis

C. Nail psoriasis

D. Onychomadesis

Rapidly growing and contagious bacteria that can cause infection; seen in the early stages as a yellow/green spot that becomes darker in advanced stage

A. Pseudomonas aeruginosa

B. Nail melanoma

C. Pyogenic granuloma

D. Times pedis

Separation and falling off a nail plate from the nail bed caused by infection, matrix, injury systemic illness

A. Onychomadesis

B. Pyogenic granuloma

C. Onychia

D. Onychorrhexis

Fungul infection of the feet also known as athletes foot

A. Bruised nail bed

B. Pincer nail

C. Tinea pedis

D. Eggshell nail

Known as trumpet nail a form of dramatically increased nail curative of the free edge

A. Pincer nail

B. Pilcatured nail

C. Piner nail

D. Paronychia

Darkish purple spots Usually due to a small nail bed injury can usually be covered with nail polish or camouflage

A. Bruised nail bed

B. Onychia

C. Onycholysis

D. Paronychia

Nail surface pitting roughness Onycholysis and bed discoloration

A. Nail

B. Nail psoriasis

C. Bruised nail bed

D. Eggshell nail

Significant nail darkening caused by increased pigment cells

A. Melanonychia

B. Eggshell nail

C. Bruised nail bed

Separation of the nail plate and bed often due to injury or allergic reactions

A. Onychia

B. Onychomadesis

C. Onycholysis

D. Onychrrhexis

Bacterial inflammation of the tissues around the nail plate causing pus swelling redness

A. Melanonychia

B. Nail bed

C. Paronychia

D. Stuffed nail

A rare and serious type of skin cancer that begins in the nail matrix

A. Ridged nail

B. Pyogenic granuloma

C. Nail melanoma

D. Onychia

Thin white nail plate is more flexible than usual; usually caused by diet, hereditary internal disease

A. Paronychia

B. Eggshell nail

C. Onychomadesis

D. Onycholysis

Irregular stretching of the eponychium or hyponychium

A. Nail pterygium

B. Nail bed

C. Nail plate

D. Onychia


Microorganism - Diseases Bacteria & Viruses Multicellular Organisms: Organisation Bacteriology Sensory System Key Terms Human Muscle Health & Wellness Vocabulary Thyroid Pathogens Communicable Diseases and Immune Response (OCR) Bone Unintentional Injuries Pain Pathophysiology The Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels and Hemodynamics Germs