Musculoskeletal LE Quiz
What is a functional implication of a posterior total hip replacement
A. Difficulty donning socks
B. Unable to step backwards with surgical leg during ADLs
C. Can’t twist trunk to reach for something next to them on the bed
D. Can’t put weight through surgical leg when getting dressed
Which of the following would be appropriate body mechanics education to provide to a patient with LBP?
A. Do not bend forward at the hips
B. Carry objects close to your body
C. Step backwards with good leg
D. Use arms to lift heavy objects.
Which of the following diseases causes progressive synovitis
A. Osteoporosis
B. Osteoarthritis
C. Rheumatoid arthritis
What is the MOST correct definition of WBAT?
A. patient can only put toe down for balance
B. patient can not bear weight on that extremity
C. patient can put as much weight as they tolerate through extremity
D. patient can put all their weight through the extremity
Which of the following diseases tends to be asymmetrical and results in bone-on-bone joints?
A. Osteoportosis
B. Oseoarthritis
C. Rheumatoid arthritis
Which type of femur fracture is repaired frequently with a THR?
A. Femoral Neck
B. Intertrochanteric
C. Subtrochanteric
The patient you are seeing today has a diagnosis of RA and their hands display ulnar drift. You provide joint protection education. Which of the below would be appropriate for this patient?
A. Lift items in a sagittal plane
B. Use a tight grip to carry objects in your hand
C. Avoid positions that push your fingers against your pinky finger
D. Avoid using your hands during the day
What is a functional implication of an anterior hip replacement?
A. Can’t bend to put on socks
B. Can’t allow surgical leg to turn outward while completing mobility tasks
C. Can’t allow surgical leg to turn inward while completing mobility tasks
D. Can’t roll onto surgical leg when getting out of bed
When a bone is broken, the precautions tend to be related to what?
A. Range of motion
B. Weight bearing
C. Pain
D. MD choice
Which list is posterior hip precautions?
A. No femur flexion above 90 degrees, no adduction, no internal rotation
B. No femur flexion above 90 degrees, no adduction, no external rotation
C. NWB on fractured led, No femur flexion above 90 degrees, no adduction
D. No hip extension, no external rotation, no adduction
Which list is anterior hip precautions?
A. No femur flexion above 90 degrees, no adduction, no external rotation
B. No hip extension, no internal rotation, no abduction
C. No hip extension, no external rotation, no adduction
D. No hip extension, no internal rotation, no adduction
What do the bones of the body provide?
A. structure
B. movement
When a joint is repaired or replaced, the precautions tend to be related to what?
A. Range of motion
B. Strength
C. Weight bearing
D. Cognition
What type of precaution is the treating OT explaining to a patient in the following sentence: “When you are stepping backward to use the toilet, make sure you step backward with the healthy leg first, then bring the injured leg to be next to the healthy leg.”
A. Posterior hip precautions
B. Anterior hip precautions
C. ORIF of fracture