Muscoskeletal System Quiz
Which of the following protects the brain, heart, and lungs?
A. Sternum, Cranium and rib cage
B. Rib cage, Cranium, and vertebral column
C. Cranium, clavicle, and pelvic girdle
D. Sternum, Rib cage, and carpals
The branch of biology that deals with the study of the way the body works.
A. Anatomy
B. Botany
C. Neurology
D. Physiology
What is the main function of the organ system in the diagram?
A. Breathing
B. Circulating
C. Digesting and absorbing
D. Transmitting information
Which of the following is fibula?
A. 13
B. 12
C. 11
D. 5
The father of the modern anatomy.
A. Andreas Vesalius
B. Aristotle
C. Isaac Newton
D. Charles Darwin
The person who is responsible for dealing with the study of the brain and its processes.
A. anatomist
B. botanist
C. neuroscientist
D. physiologist
Which organ system does the organ in the image belong to?
A. Circulatory system
B. Digestive system
C. Nervous system
D. Respiratory system
A place where two bones meet is called _____.
A. bones
B. joints
C. muscles
D. tendons
What is the function of the cartilage?
A. This is where biceps are attached
B. It lubricates the joints and prevents friction
C. covers the bone and prevents friction
D. This is where the triceps are attached
What do you call the muscles to work together in pairs?
A. joint
B. tendon
C. biceps
D. antagonistic muscles
The image shows the bones of the organism. Name this kind of photograph.
A. X-Ray
B. mamogram
C. ultrasound
D. spirogram
Name the organ system shown in the image.
A. Digestive system
B. Skeletal system
C. Respiratory system
D. Circulatory system
What happens to the triceps when the arm straighten?
A. agonist
B. contracts
C. flexion
D. Relaxes
This lubricates the joints and prevents friction.
A. cartilage
B. ligaments
C. synovial fluid
D. tendons
The branch of biology that deals with the study of the structure of the body of humans or animals?
A. anatomy
B. botany
C. neurology
D. physiology