Medical Quiz

Topics: Muscle Histology Quiz

Which muscle tissue controls dilation/constriction of blood vessels, pupils?

A. Cardiac muscle tissue

B. Skeletal muscle tissue

C. Smooth muscle tissue

Select your answer:


Auditory and Vestibular Neurology Endocrine System and Nervous System Muscularskeletal System Epithelial Tissue Composition of Blood and Blood Cells Restrictive Respiratory Disorders The Skeletal System Immunity & Cancer Malaria Diseases of Digestive System Reproductive System Vocabulary Anatomy - Muscle Contraction and Growth Muscles Terms and Definitions - Diseases Immunology IBD

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What is the name of this bacteria?

A. Bacillus

B. Coccus

C. Spirilla

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Symtoms of this slow, progressive brain degenerative disease include Abnormal bent-forward posture with bowed head and flexed arms and “pin-rolling” of fingers.

A. Parkinson’s Disease

B. Alzheimer’s Disease

C. Shingles

D. Encephalitis