Medical Quiz

Topics: Molecular Genetics Quiz

Adenine bonds with ______________.

A. Guanine

B. Thymine

C. Cytosine

D. Adenine

Select your answer:


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Pathology › View

Dysplasia is a known premalignant condition, which of the following is true regarding dysplasia:

A. irreversible

B. occurs in ulcerative colitis

C. may progress into metaplasia

D. is associated with invasion of the basement membrane.

E. is usually seen in the uterine endocervix.

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What is the role of the M-line in muscle contraction?

A. Initiate muscle relaxation

B. Anchors myosin filaments in the center of the sarcomere

C. Generate ATP for cross-bridge formation

D. Stabilize the actin filaments