Medical Quiz

Immunology: T cell Development Quiz


The first gene rearrangement in the double negative stage is of the ___ chain

A. beta chain

B. alpha chain

If the TCR binds strongly to MHC class I or II molecules then ___

A. the T cell survives

B. the T cell dies

Immature T cells

A. thymocytes

B. progenitor cells

Which of the two lineages make the majority of T cells?

A. aB

B. yG

Where do T cells develop?

A. bone marrow

B. thymus

Growth factor that is secreted by thymic stromal cells

A. IL 7

B. IL8

Once the complete T cell receptor is formed then the cell expresses

A. CD4

B. CD8

C. CD4 and CD8

Early T cell precursor development occurs in the ___

A. bone marrow

B. thymus

Which receptor signaling commits the progenitor cell to the T lineage?

A. Notch 1

B. not this

Progenitor cells are not committed to the T lineage when they enter the thymus.



When the beta chain is produced, is forms a complex with ___

A. CD4

B. CD3

Which rearrangement is first during the double negative stage?

A. beta chain

B. alpha chain

Notch +1 means the progenitor becomes a

A. T cell

B. B cell

The thymus and the proportion of T cells it produces increases with age.



T cells are involved in the ___ immune response.

A. innate

B. adaptive

Which of the following about the thymus is true?

A. the thymus begins to degenerate at the age of 25

B. the thymus begins to degenerate at the age of 1

Where do T cells go through selection and education processes?

A. bone marrow

B. thymus

When does gene rearrangment occur to produce a functional TCR?

A. double negative stages

B. double positive stages

If the TCR binds with HIGH affinity to self antigen then the T cell ____

A. survives

B. dies

Involution of the thymus

A. the thymus steadily decreases with age

B. the thymus steadily increases with age

Notch 1- means the progenitor becomes a

A. T cell

B. B cell

Thymic cells that produce growth factors and ligands that contribute to T cell development.

A. progenitor cells

B. stromal cells

Which of the following statements about the thymus is true?

A. the thymus is fully developed after the age of 1

B. the thymus if fully developed before birth

Thymocytes that lack the TCR but beginning to rearrange their TCR genes

A. double negative thymocytes

B. double positive

T lymphocytes derive from the common myeloid progenitor




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