Medical Quiz

Topics: Human Genome and Bioethics Review Quiz

Which is not a base pair of DNA?

A. Cytosine

B. Thymine

C. Adenine

D. Guanine

E. DNA Ladder

Select your answer:


Healthy Lifestyle Biotechnology Endocrinology The Brain Human Circulatory System Deficiency Diseases Physical Activity Pathology Introduction Cell Injury Geriatrics Medicinal use of Microorganisims Respiratory Acidosis Body System Interactions HCMA - Hematology Energy, Hydrology, Microbiology Cells, Genetics & Heredity Review

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What is the function of the valves in the heart?

A. To separate the chambers

B. To prevent backflow of blood

C. To prevent blockage in the heart

D. To separate the blood

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Which of the following information or processes does gene therapy require?

A. the ability to introduce the normal allele into the patient

B. the knowledge and availability of the defective gene but not the normal allele

C. the ability to express the introduced gene at any time in the tissue site within the patient

D. the ability to introduce a defective allele into a patient