Medical Quiz

Topics: Genetics and Censorship Quiz

What is the part of the cell that scientists are interested in modifying?

A. Nucleolus

B. Mitochondria

C. Ribosomes

D. Golgi Apparatus

Select your answer:


Muscular Oxygenation Molecular Genetics Musculoskeletal Anatomy: Knee Anatomy: Muscle Epidemiology Surgical Vocabulary Stress Diseases Communicable or non Communicable Thrombosis, Emboliya Polio Major Nutrients Properties of Hair and Scalp Nail Diseases and Disorders Bones, Joints and Muscles

Other quiz:

Musculoskeletal › View

The healthcare provider is caring for a client who has just been diagnosed with an osteosarcoma. Select the response that best describes the diagnosis.

A. Aggressive; malignant bone tumor

B. Slow-growing; malignant bone tumor

C. Benign bone tumor

D. The least common malignant bone tumor

Excretory System › View

Loop of Henle dips into

A. Cortex

B. Medulla

C. Both of above

D. None of the above