Medical Quiz

Topics: Eye Quiz

Max holds a card in front of his face. As he moves the card closer, some of the images on the card seem to disappear. What is the most likely explanation for this?

A. The images are focused on Max’s blind spot.

B. The images are beyond Max’s nearpoint.

C. Max has 20/100 vision.

D. Max is looking at an afterimage.

Select your answer:


Illnesses and Diseases in Caregiving Organisms Energy and Metabolism Orthopaedic Neurology Blood types and Blood Components Epidemiology Nutrition in Humans and Animals Vision and Light Homeostasis - Vision Correction Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Bacteria, Viruses, and Fungi Molecular Biology Science Reproduction Medical Terminology Benefits of Physical Activity

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I am the relevant cortexes of the brain that interpret Visual and Gustatory stimulus

A. Sensory organs

B. Eye and tongue

C. Visual and Gustatory Cortex

D. Cerebellum

Neuroanatomy › View

Based on the evidence provided in the recordings from the PC neuron and SOM-IN, what can be concluded about the effect of baclofen?

A. Baclofen is a GABA receptor agonist. Upon application, stimulation of the PC is not sufficient to evoke action potentials in the SOM-IN.

B. Baclofen is a GABA receptor antagonist. EPSPs recorded from the SOM-IN were inhibited.

C. Baclofen is a GABA receptor agonist. Upon application, IPSPs recorded from the SOM-IN were inhibited.

D. There is insufficient evidence provided to conclude the effect of baclofen.