Medical Quiz

Disease and Conditions Skeletal System Quiz


The axial skeleton includes which of the following?

A. limbs and girdles

B. skull and vertebral column

C. arms and fingers

D. hips and legs

“-lysis” means:

A. toward, near

B. away from

C. curved, bent

D. loosening, setting free

Which mineral contributes to the hardness and strength of bones?

A. iron

B. calcium

C. sodium

D. potassium

What does the term “chondromalacia” refer to?

A. Inflammation of a tendon

B. Softening of cartilage

C. Hardening of bones

D. Muscle pain

Rickets is caused by a lack of which vitamin? 

A. A

B. D

C. E

D. C

What does the term “osteoporosis” refer to?

A. Bone inflammation

B. Bone softening

C. Bone infection

D. Bone loss

The partial displacement of a bone from a joint is a:

A. dislocation

B. subluxation

Scoliosis is a condition related to the:

A. heart

B. lungs

C. liver

D. spine

Which of the following is a medical term for the inflammation of a joint?

A. fracture

B. infection

C. arthritis

D. sprain

To examine and surgically repair a joint with an arthroscope is called:

A. arthroscopy

B. arthrotomy

C. arthomy

D. laser surgery

Which term describes inflammation of the bone and joint?

A. Osteoarthritis

B. Arthroplasty

C. Osteochondritis

D. Osteoarthropathy

This disease translates to “pourous bone” which is weak, thin and easily breakable bone.

A. osteoporisis

B. scoliosis

C. hyper kyphosis

D. ankylosing spondylitis

Bones of the wrist could be classified as

A. Short Bones

B. Long Bones

C. Irregular Bones

D. Flat Bones

Which term refers to the surgical repair or replacement of a joint?

A. Arthrodesis

B. Arthroplasty

C. Arthrotomy

D. Arthroscopy

Which type of joint is found in the knee?

A. ball and socket joint

B. hinge joint

C. pivot joint

D. gliding joint

The abbreviation OA means:

A. osteoarthritis

B. polymyalgia

C. rheumatoid arthritis

D. none of these

What is the term for a condition of stiffening or immobility of a joint?

A. Arthritis

B. Arthroscopy

C. Ankylosis

D. Arthroplasty

The root word for “rib” is:

A. chondr/o

B. cost/o

C. arthr/o

D. ankyl/o

Artificial device that is used as a substitute for a missing body part.

A. prosthesis

B. brace

C. orthotic

D. splint

The suffix “-desis” means:

A. loosening, setting free

B. bind, tie together

C. crooked, bent

D. without, lack of

A Podiatrist would see you as a patient if you had an injured_______________.

A. hand

B. knee

C. foot

D. back

What is the purpose of red bone marrow in the skeletal system?

A. fat storage

B. muscle contraction

C. blood cell production

D. hormone secretion

The suffix “-algia” means:

A. pain

B. cartilage

C. crooked

D. away from

Lindsey is 8 months pregnant and complains of lower back pain. She has an exaggerated lumbar curve. What type of abnormal spinal curvature is she experiencing?

A. scoliosis

B. osteoporosis

C. lordosis

D. kyphosis

Which term refers to the surgical removal of a bursa?

A. Arthrocentesis

B. Bursotomy

C. Bursaectomy

D. Bursitis


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