Medical Quiz

Topics: Discovery of DNA Quiz

Transformation is

A. Formation of DNA from DNA

B. Formation of mRNA from DNA

C. Foreign DNA entry by Virus

D. Genetic alteration of a cell

Select your answer:


Eye Physiology Physical Excretory System The nervous system & brain Biology Genetics Breath Living Organisms & Animal Behaviors Body Fluids & Circulation Respiratory Human Anatomy and Physiology ESR (RBC sed rate) Pathology Inflammation -ology Genes and Cells

Other quiz:

Blood Formation and Clotting › View

Which of the following is the correct order for the steps in hemostasis?

A. 1. coagulation (blood clotting)
2. platelet plug formation
3. vascular spasms

B. 1. vascular spasms
2. coagulation (blood clotting)
3. platelet plug formation

C. 1. vascular spasms
2. platelet plug formation
3. coagulation (blood clotting)

D. 1. platelet plug formation
2. coagulation (Blood clotting)
3. vascular spasms

The Human Eye › View

What eye condition would be best treated by wearing spectacles with lenses shaped like this?

A. Hyperopia (Far-sightedness)

B. Myopia (Near-sightedness)