Medical Quiz

Topics: Coronary Heart Diseases Quiz

State the phase of cardiac cycle shown in the diagram.

A. Atrial systole, ventricular systole

B. Atrial diastole, ventricular systole

C. Atrial systole, ventricular diastole

D. Atrial diastole, ventricular diastole

Select your answer:


Blood clotting Physical Properties of the Hair Teeth & Microbes Health and Hygiene Gastroenterology Nursing Diseases Cardio and Resp Disorders Counseling: Fact or Myth? Tissues Vocabulary Therapeutic Services Roots Pathophysiology - Inflammation Muscle & Nerve Tissue Disorders of The Joints The Inflammatory Response

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The outer covering of the body.

A. fever

B. allergies

C. skin

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What is replacemet therapy?

A. Where a doctor takes all the blood out of someone with hemophilia and replaces it with normal blood

B. Clotting factors are replaced by injecting (infusing) a clotting factor concentrate into a vein.

C. taking out the section of the brain with hemophilia