Carbohydrates Quiz
Which statement is not true ?
A. polysaccharides formed as a result of the esterification reaction
B. carbohydrates have higher ratio of oxygen to hydrogen comapred to lipids
C. general formula of carbohydrates is Cx(H2O)y
D. fructose is soluable in water
If you string together 8 glucoses, how many water molecules will come out?
A. 1
B. 4
C. 7
D. 8
Monosacharides do not contain:
A. aldehyde group
B. ketone group
C. hydroxyl group
D. carboxyl group
Which sugar is a disaccharide?
A. sucrose
B. ribose
C. glycogen
D. rybulose
What type of carbohydrate is this?
A. polysaccharide
B. disaccharide
C. monosaccharide
D. it isn’t a carbohydrate
What might happen if you didn’t get enough carbohydrates?
A. Your body wouldn’t be able to build muscle mass
B. Your body wouldn’t have enough energy to function
C. You would develop serious vitamin deficiencies
D. Your bones and teeth would become weaker
What is not a type of carbohydrate?
A. Fat
B. Fiber
C. Starch
D. Sugar
In disacchcarides two simple sugars are conneted by:
A. gydrogen bonds
B. glycosidic bonds
C. ether linkage
D. polymer linkage
What type of carbohydrate is this?
A. polysaccharide
B. disaccharide
C. monosaccharide
D. it isn’t a carbohydrate
Why do humans need cellulose in their diet even though they do not possess enzymes in the digestive system that can break it down?
A. It is required as a precursor to synthesise DNA and proteins.
B. It provides the structural material for cell walls.
C. It acts as dietary fibre to help move food through the digestive system more quickly.
D. It acts as a storage source for energy.
Important to the structural integrity of plant cells, this is the single most popular polysaccharide in the world.
A. Starch
B. Glycogen
C. Cellulose
D. Chitin
For good solubility of carbohydrates are resposible:
A. large number of hydroxyl groups
B. aldehyde groups
C. large number of carbon atoms in carbohydrate chain
D. large number of hydrogen atoms
Animation shows the formula of:
A. glucose
B. fructose
C. rybulose
D. ribose
If I am consuming grain products, such as breads, pastas, and some root vegetables (starches) what type of carbohydrate am I taking in?
A. Simple carbohydrates
B. Fiber
C. Complete carbohydrates
D. Saturated carbohydrates
E. Complex carbohydrates
Your body breaks down most complex carbohydrates into:
A. fructose
B. sucrose
C. glucose
D. starch