Physical activity can help
A. make you weaker
B. make you stronger
C. make dinner
D. you get less sleep
Select your answer:
Pediatric Musculoskeletal Disorders Circulatory and Lymphatic System Careers in Health Care BMI, Body Composition and Body Types Nature of Science Corona Circulation of Blood Tissues Vet Science Terms Effect of Exercise on Cardio Respiratory System & Muscular Genetics and Censorship Phlebotomy Nutrition and Biochemistry Vocabulary Muscularskeletal System Hair Evidence Hazards & RisksOther quiz:
Cardiology › ViewWhich option best describes aortic valve insufficency?
A. Aortic valve insufficiency is when the aortic valve closes too tightly, restricting blood flow.
B. Aortic valve insufficiency is a condition where the aortic valve is located in the right ventricle.
C. Aortic valve insufficiency is a term used to describe a blockage in the pulmonary artery.
D. Aortic valve insufficiency is when the aortic valve does not close properly, causing blood to leak back into the left ventricle.
Inflammation and Healing › View
Which protein forms the scab at the end of the acute inflammatory response
A. collagen
B. keratin
C. fibrin
D. granulation tissue