Medical Quiz

Anatomy and Histology Quiz


Which system controls bronchoconstriction and bronchodilation in the lungs?

A. Circulatory system

B. Nervous system

C. Endocrine system

D. Immune system

Where is Hyaline Cartilage found in the body?

A. Intervertebral discs

B. Fetal skeleton

C. Symphysis pubis

D. Ear pinna

What are body organs made of?

A. Connective tissue, Epithelial tissue, Muscular tissue, Nervous tissue

B. Skin, Bone tissue, Cartilage, Blood

C. Heart, Lung, Kidney, Skin

D. Cytology, Nervous tissue, Muscle tissue, Bone tissue

What separates the lobes in each lung?

A. Nerves

B. Arteries

C. Veins

D. Fissures

What is the function of the T-tubules in muscle fibers?

A. Waste removal

B. Protein synthesis

C. Calcium storage

D. Energy storage

What is the structure of Yellow Elastic Cartilage?

A. Only elastic fibers

B. Only collagen fibers

C. Both elastic and collagen fibers

D. Only chondrocytes

Which nerve fibers arise from the vagus nerve and thoracic ganglia for the lungs?

A. Sciatic nerve

B. Motor nerve fibers

C. Femoral nerve

D. Sensory nerve fibers

Which type of bone is found in the wrists and ankles?

A. Irregular bones

B. Flat bones

C. Short bones

D. Long bones

What is the function of White Fibro Cartilage?

A. Support soft tissues

B. Keep airway patent

C. Attach bone to bone

D. Provide flexibility

What is the function of osteoblasts?

A. Store energy

B. Form bone

C. Produce red blood cells

D. Break down bone tissue

What is the main function of White Fibro Cartilage?

A. Resist great tensile stretch

B. Support soft tissues

C. Limit mobility

D. Provide flexibility

Which type of bone tissue contains red bone marrow that produces blood cells?

A. Spongy bone

B. Cartilage

C. Compact bone

D. Muscular tissue

Which nerve controls coughing reflexes in the lungs?

A. Auditory nerve

B. Optic nerve

C. Sciatic nerve

D. Vagus nerve

How many skeletal muscles does the human body contain approximately?

A. 100

B. 400

C. 200

D. 300

What is a synapse?

A. A fatty layer of insulation on nerve fibers

B. A network of nerves branching out throughout the body

C. A specialized region of contact between neurons

D. A bundle of nerve fibers


Disease & Immunity Human Physiology Eye in Color Vision Breathing ...Respiration Foodborne Illness Injuries in Archery Heredity and Living Cells Health Care Asthma Medical Terminology Prefixes Immunity and Vaccines Children Well-being Muscles and Movements Deficiency Diseases Bones Anatomy