Medical Quiz

Warm up Quiz

How long should a general warm up last for?

A. 1 hour

B. 20 – 30 minutes

C. 5 – 10 minutes

D. 3 minutes

Select your answer:


Physical Fitness Human Physiology Health - Nutrition Oncology Cell Theory and Cellular Structure Basic Structure of the Human Body General Anatomy Anatomy and Physiology Skeletal System Circulatory and Nervous System Circulatory & Respiratory System Lungs Gaseous Exchange in Humans Bacteria and Protist Review Paeds Edema Vocabulary - Health

Other quiz:

Cardiology › View

How is RV volume overload characterized in diastole?

A. Diastolic flattening of the septum with a normal curvature in systole

B. Systolic flattening of the septum with a normal curvature in diastole

C. Diastolic bulging of the septum with a reduced curvature in systole

D. Systolic bulging of the septum with a reduced curvature in diastole

Enzymes & Metabolism HL › View

What is the mechanism-based inhibition of penicillin?

A. It inhibits the end product

B. It increases enzyme activity

C. It forms covalent bonds with the active site

D. It binds to the allosteric site of the enzyme