Medical Quiz

Safety and First Aid Quiz

Which of these should be avoided for safety reasons?

A. Jogging

B. Dancing

C. Running across a busy road

D. Taking medicines prescribe by the doctor

Select your answer:


Brain/Neuron Anatomy Safety and First Aid Medical Careers Integumentary and Musculoskeletal Systems Limitation of Senses Fats And Oil Infant Nutrition Nervous / Sensory System Careers in Health Care Epithelial Cosmetology Anatomy Type 1 Diabetes Protozoan Diseases Microorganisms, Health and Diseases Pathology of Respiratory System

Other quiz:

Musculoskeletal System › View

Muscles can be classified into three main groups:

A. Voluntary, involuntary and smooth

B. Cardiac, voluntary, and rough

C. Skeletal, involuntary and smooth

D. Smooth, cardiac and skeletal

Mycology › View

Mastigomycota is known as

A. Sac fungi

B. Conidial fungi

C. Zoosporic fungi

D. Club fungi