Medical Quiz

Components of Blood Quiz

Plasma in the blood transports the products of digestion to cells that require them. Which of the following is a product of digestion that is transported to human body cells for respiration?

A. Glucose

B. Sucrose

C. Glucagon

D. Lactose

Select your answer:


First Aid Check up Body Structures and Organ Systems Who am Eye? Emergency Medicine Degeneration Pathology Pulmonology/Respiratory Tenses Factors Affecting Health Food Blood Cells Pharmacology Calculations Cardiovascular and Respiratory Schizophrenia Environment Fat

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Genetics and Probability › View

Which describes a genotype with two identical alleles for a trait, such as PP?

A. heterozygous

B. homozygous

Immunity › View

What is directly responsible for allergic symptoms, including a runny nose or itchy eyes?

A. pathogens

B. antigens

C. histamine

D. T-lymphocytes