Medical Quiz

Discovery of DNA Quiz

Avery added an enzyme known to break down and destroy proteins to his heat killed S-strain bacteria, and saw that the R-strain bacteria were ____________________

A. still transformed, and killed the mice.

B. no longer transformed, and the mice lived

C. partially transformed, and the mice got sick but survived.

D. still transformed, but no longer killed the mice

Select your answer:


Advanced Stretching SM2 Bonding and the Periodic Table DNA and Polypeptide Synthesis Diagnostics and Pathology Reports Vitamin Population Genetics Cardiopulmonary PHE Protozoan Diseases Philosophy Nutrition Lipid Non-Communicable Disease Trichology Anatomy and Physiology Skeletal System Warm up

Other quiz:

Hazards & Risks › View

What is the best definition of hazard ?

A. Likelihood of harm in defined circumstances

B. Potential to cause harm

C. A person who is skilled in magic or who has magical powers

D. It is used to generally refer to risky situations whether big or small.

Bones, Joints and Muscles › View

All the bones together form…

A. the tendons.

B. the joints.

C. the skeleton.

D. the musculoskeletal system.