Medical Quiz

Respiratory Diseases Quiz

What is the primary diagnostic tool for tuberculosis case finding?

A. Blood culture

B. Chest X-ray

C. Direct Sputum Smear Microscopy

D. PCR test

Select your answer:


Urinary Genes and Cells Respiration in Organisms Nursing Vocabulary Fluid and Electrolytes Limitation of Senses Renal Pharmacology Hematologic System Sense of Sight Cell Cycle Problems Nature of Science DNA Replication Micro Immunology Health - Nutrition Anatomy & Physiology: Respiratory

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A. fall faster,
increasing ESR

B. fall slower,
decreasing ESR

Safety Terms › View

Knowing job hazards and taking appropriate steps to avoid accidents is being known as _________.

A. citation

B. flammable

C. safety-conscious

D. first aid