From which type of stem cell do blood cells originate?
A. Mesenchymal stem cell
B. Hematopoietic stem cell
C. Neural stem cell
D. Epithelial stem cell
Select your answer:
Genes and DNA Cells, Tissues and Organs Fat Cell Structure and Function Nervous System: Diseases/Problems/Illnesses Motor Neuron Disease Muscle System Obstructive Lung Disease Bone Development and Remodeling Levels of Organization Neuroanatomy Blood Formation and Clotting Genetics and Censorship Nervous System Skin GrowthOther quiz:
Hospice Basics › ViewWhat disciplines will be available to the patient? Except:
A. Skilled Nurse
B. Chaplain
C. Certified Home Health Aide
D. Social Worker
E. Housekeeper
Pharmacology › View
Among the different types of seizures, this type is characterized by impaired consciousness and recall. If asked a question, the patient might respond with an inappropriate or unintelligible answer. Automatic movements involve the mouth and face (lip smacking, chewing, tasting, and swallowing movements), upper extremities (fumbling, picking, tapping, or clasping movements), and vocal apparatus (grunts or repetition of words and phrases), as are complex acts (such as walking or mixing foods in a bowl).
A. Focal ( aware)
B. Tonic-clonic
C. Focal ( impaired awareness)
D. Absence