Medical Quiz

Nervous System Quiz

What type of signals do nerve cells transmit?

A. Magnetic signals

B. Electrical signals (action potentials)

C. Chemical signals (neurotransmitters)

D. Thermal signals

Select your answer:


Teeth and Microbes Health Related Fitness Eye BTEC Biological Approach Revise Endocrinology Renal & Neural Microbial Growth Blood Pressure and Blood Vessels Psychopathology Movement and Locomotion Mitosis Limitation of Senses Diseases & Disorders Multicellular Organisms T Cells

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crystal violet during gram staining of bacteria is retained in ?

A. gram positive

B. gram negative

C. ziehl neelson stain

D. none of the above

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People or groups whose sole purpose is to take on regional, national, and even international consumer issues.

A. specialist

B. primary care physician

C. health consumer

D. consumer advocates