Medical Quiz

Skeletal System Quiz

What is the function of osteoblasts in bone tissue?

A. Breaking down bone

B. Forming new bone

C. Storing fat

D. Producing blood cells

Select your answer:


Health issue related to immune system Diagnostic Tools Smoking Related Diseases Conjunctivita Diseases of The Body Systems Nutrition In Animal Coronary Heart Diseases Pain Management Eczema Inherited & Acquired Traits Parathyroid Gland Disease, Immunity, and Phatogens Skin Enzyme Muscularskeletal System

Other quiz:

Pathology - Chronic Inflammation › View

Which of the below is true regarding granulomatous tissue?

A. Is often seen with persistent stimuli and exudate filled with activated macrophages fused together

C. Is a nodular area with a central area of neutrophils

D. Is a distinct mass formed from macrophage infiltration

Medicinal use of Microorganisims › View

Select the example of something which does not cause antibiotic resistance.

A. Not finishing a course of antibiotics.

B. Giving antibiotics to live stock (animals we eat).

C. Using antibiotics when we don’t need them.

D. Finishing a course of antibiotics.