Medical Quiz

Muscular System Quiz

Which process describes the shortening of a muscle during contraction?

A. Isometric contraction

B. Eccentric contraction

C. Concentric contraction

D. Static contraction

Select your answer:


Thyroid Gland Metabolism Oral Surgery Cell Division Medicine Clinics Diseases of The Body Systems Muscle Histology Cells, Genetics & Heredity Review Lymphatic System Cardiorespiratory Endurance Disease & Immunity Dentistry Nutrition form 2 Diabetes Pathophysiology Respiratory System Med Term

Other quiz:

Cells › View

What part of the cell is the storage center for food and water?

A. Mitochondria

B. Chloroplast

C. Vacuole

D. Nucleus

Nutrition › View

Which of the following is NOT a major activity of the stomach?

A. mechanical digestion

B. HCl production

C. nutrient absorption

D. enzyme secretion