Medical Quiz

Anatomy and Histology Quiz

What is the structural classification of neurons based on the number of processes?

A. Unipolar neurons, Bipolar neurons, Multipolar neurons

B. Excitatory synapse, Inhibitory synapse

C. Axodendritic synapse, Axosomatic synapse, Axoaxonic synapse

D. Unmyelinated nerve fiber, Myelinated nerve fiber

Select your answer:


Biochemistry Vocabulary Nutrition and Biochemistry Vocabulary Organelles Multicellular Organisms: Organisation Muscle Tissue Healthy Foundations Asexual/Sexual Reproduction Deaf Blind Teeths Molecular Biology Bones Schizophrenia Respiratory System Med Term Cells & Body Systems Fish Health Management

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A. Appetite

B. Hunger

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CIN agar do not contain which inhibitor?

A. Cefsulodin

B. Irganasan

C. Nystatin

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