Medical Quiz

Neuroanatomy Quiz

Which type of pain pathway typically transmits sharp, localized pain signals rapidly to the brain?

A. Fast pain pathways

B. Slow pain pathway

C. Ascending nociceptive pathway

D. Descending pain modulation pathway

Select your answer:


Entomology Forensic Pathology (Autopsy) Assessment Transplantation Immunology Anatomical Terminology Teeth & Microbes Nervous System/Endocrine System Disease Cards Life Processes Excretion Heart Vocab and Blood Flow Pathway Organization of Systems Hemodynamics Who am Eye? Macromolecules and Enzymes Psychology, Psychiatry, & Social Work Macro and Micro Nutrients

Other quiz:

Microbiology › View

Destruction of lymphocytes with self-specificity is called ______.

A. hypersensititivity

B. proliferation

C. clonal selection

D. clonal deletion

Microbiology › View

Which of the following organelles is responsible for producing energy?

A. nucleus

B. cell wall

C. chloroplast

D. mitochondria